Tiny RPG - Font Kit I
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 09:37
Art Type:
Is your RPG in desperately need for that one pixelated font? Look no further! This completely FREE pack will cover all your needs:
- 3 Unique fonts;
- Badge: Expanded from the RPG badges I made years prior, this font is principally meant for headers of any sort. Bold, chumky and squarey;
- Brilliant Strenght: Based on a very popular TRPG series from the 90's. Great for fantasy text, not so great for headers. Thin, italic and slightly swirly;
- Fine Fantasy Strategies: Yet another one based on a very popular TRPG. Can be used both as the body of a text or as the header. Medium weight, compact, squarey for the most of it. Numbers come in two variations, italic and regular;
- Supported Characters:
0123456789 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;
Æ挜ßðÐþÞ¿¡ - Both TTF and PNG included;
Be sure to check out more of my assets here. There are lots of free stuff up for grabs!

Very useful, thanks!
Glad you found it useful! I am planning on editing it a little bit in the near future, not 100% happy with some kerning pairs. Might use FontForge to touch up the space around a couple of letters.
About FontForge I inspected your ttf files with it and found you use unoptimized method in the Pixel font creator.... Just example of what difference betwen optimized and unoptimized methods (although optimized method can fail on some glyphs but you will find the explanation in the first link) so what is about license... It is CC0?
Thanks for the input mate! Yeah, it was my first time making fonts, so it is looking messy all over the place. Was just thinking about it yesterday and I believe there is more stuff I messed up, such as the EM size for at least one of them. I will have to re-export it with Pixel Font Creator, optimized this time, then get it to Font Forge and fix the space of a few letters and add a couple of kerning pairs here and there. The way it is now I have these big kerning pairs, which is kinda working the solution backwards.
Regarding the license, yup, CC0 and I will keep it like it. If people use it for training LLM, it is a shame, but it is what it is.
I hate a bit Pixel Font converter because it is proprietary (I am even sure that found the root of a bug but it is proprietary so I can't chnage code to check...) but it has kernings, isn't it?
Oh yeah, it does! What I meant to say is that I used kerning pairs completely wrong. Instead of using it just for a few situations - lets say that 'M' and 'o' are too far apart - I kinda used it as general rule - instead of setting the individual spacing for M since it has more room than all the other letters, I made this huge kerning pair with M and everything else, like M abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -1, which isn't ideal.
I will fix these issues on the next update - and hopefuly not add any other issue.