Platformer Game Music Pack
Monday, January 26, 2015 - 19:31
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Hi all again,
Here is a new music pack from another personal abandoned game. It's supposed to be a platformer game, but I guess it can be useful for other genres.

I like it!
how can i download mp3's to use please?
You should be able to right click, and save it somewhere on your computer.
Ok Thanks for your help cdoty
Much appreciated
Great Job. Can I use all Theme in my Game?
I'm using this.
thank you
I'm using this here:
Amazing music thankz
Thanks for sharing.
Awesome !! Thx for sharing ;)
I'm going to use some of your tracks within future releases of my game RogueBox Adventures.
Thanks for sharing your work! ^^
Can i use this commercially?
You should add a game over!
I'm using the "Intro Theme" in my game. Thank you!
If you wish to see it, here's the link to google play:
I developed my very first game with this awesome music. I'm so grateful for your work!
I addressed you in the credits.
If you want to give it a look.
Gostaria de utilizar as tracks.
Hello great pack,
Used 3 of your themes in our project as background music in levels, thanks for inspiration and good luck with your future works. Peace.
Projects Link:
Luckily I found this post from Google.
I'm going to use 6 themes into my platformer game (boss, desert, dungeon, grassland, mushroom and intro).
Thank you very much for you creative.
Check my project and enjoys ton of created traps:
thanx for making such nice musics
I am using one of your musics in my new game
how to credit you?
here,i used it in this scratch project.
I m using "Info Theme" . Thanks god i found this site from google and get these best sound for my game with no cost. Thanks you very much who post these sounds here.
Perfect for my First tutorial, thank you!!!
Any chance of getting the midi versions, too?
Wow, this is really good!
Hey, thanks for these awesome musics. I've used it in a game jam, you can check it here:
Thank you for sharing!
I've used this asset in my mobile game
You can watch game play video here:
Nice music!
Ugh!!!! I found an established platformer similar to mine that already uses this sound... After setting everything up to perfectly use these sounds too.
aw man that sux
if only free assets could be used more than once ever
The sounds were perfect too. The other game, Super Mago's World, uses them a little differently, but it has over a million downloads. :(
that means u should for sure use the sound
it made the other game success
Yeah, but the problem would be people who've played that game extensively would recognize the beats and think I'm a big knock-off / asset thief.
yah nobody thinks that
fools maybe
i hear wilhelm scream and the same kids laughing clip and the same armor clank sound in tons of games i love them all i never think o man this movie ripped off that one old western movie bcause it used the same sound or starcraft ripped off that one wolfenstine clone because it has that sound of tortured dude screaming or wtf skyrim is a ripoff of baldurs gate because they both use the same metal armor sound
no one thinks that
Screw it! I will have to stick to it then. Music will have to stay. If I can find the artist who created this (If not CodeManu) to create me a custom set, then I will let it ride. Thanks for the encouragement.
wow wow wow!!!
Me when Worldmap Theme.mp3 plays: