Tarot Cards (v1.0)
Friday, October 6, 2023 - 23:26
Art Type:
I needed Tarot cards for a card game simulation I was writing, and couldn't find any on OpenGameArt. So I decided to make my first card deck, to share on OpenGameArt.
I haven't been working on this for a while, because what remains is the hard steps, some sort of illustration for each tarot card and every face card. I've only mustered a drawing of my own for a Valet and Dame, but they aren't of equal quality to the rest of the cards.
I decided today to at least finally upload this much to OpenGameArt first, since it's already useful enough, and maybe someone might want to add face card and/or tarot card illustrations themselves. I'm not willing to upload the .xcf files yet though. (All of this was made in GIMP.)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Tarot Cards v1.0 © 2023 by 杉原宇砂鷲 (Usawashi Sugihara) is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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Neat, but...
These are Tarot cards, but not the Tarot cards you're thinking of: they're French Tarot cards, which is basically the "normal" set of 52 cards with an extra face card per suit and an extra suit of trump cards.
They're probably more useful than the other type of Tarot cards, considering that these are actually still used in games played today (even if mainly in France - as far as I know).
Fabulous! I learned something today. I've always been curious about the divergence of gameplay vs the major and minor arcana. Thank you!
There are many games based on French tarot decks, I made some of them on mobile, hit me up if you want to check out some. There are a lot of really good french tarot games to play with your family/friends or solo