Versatile 255-Tile Pixel Art Pack
255 total 16x16 tiles made by me over time, suitable for both topdown and sidescrolling games, everything from characters to objects to map geometry. (The last tile is intentionally blank.)
This is suitable for game jams and rapid prototyping. For big games, you'll want to edit things to match your specific game better.
One of the goals of this sheet is to keep the perspective ambiguous when possible. For example, the bed, pot, chest, etc. can be used both in top-down and sidescrolling games. Another goal is to have at least one thing that can be “misused” as almost anything; for example, you can turn the third carpet tile into a kind of crosshair by deleting the red parts, or you can take the thunder sprite and turn it dark grey to get a “broken tile” overlay.
Some tiles and sprites expect that you’re using a game engine that supports flipping and rotation. Some of them expect you to flip only half of the sprite, like the bottom halves of the characters’ up and down sprites. If your engine doesn’t support this, please make manually modified versions.
The zip file contains this sheet, an old version of the sheet with only 128 tiles, and converted versions of all of the autotileable tiles into Godot 3x3 minimal tilesheets using Webtyler.
I made the tiles for this sheet over a long period of time, so I got inspiration from a lot of different places, like Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Quest, Terraria, One Way Heroics, etc. But nothing is copied or specifically based on anything else; it's entirely original.

Beautiful, thank you very much :-)
Looks very nice!
Great tileset. I love it!