Pixel Art Skull
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 09:56
Art Type:
512x512 PNG file
.psd source file for editing
Made in Adobe Photoshop 2023
by FancySnacks (2022)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Public Domain

thats cool an all but it not realy 512x512 is it?
16x16 scaled up 32 times
if this counts as 512 y not go _real_ big here is my 4096x4096 version
-Bad things happens.
not if u know how to scale things they dont
thats what im sayin the pixels dont line up when it is scaled up huge for no reason
here is mine at 16x16 it is identical no antialiasing scaling it bakc up gives exact same image excetp the border is shifted over half a pixel
It's the most beautiful simple pixel skull art I've seen. Rendered here in SolidWorks as a pendant, each pixel 2 mm in width/height.