Graphic Splitter
Finally our Linux port is complete. Resource editor still does not work but that will be solved within several weeks. To test and celebrate the event, I have written an application to split tilesets and spritesheets. For now, I will be sharing binaries for both Linux and Windows. These applications are for 32bit OS (it will work for Win64 in Win32 mode). It requires OpenGL and OpenAL. If it has problems please let me know. I didnt had the chance to try it on different PCs. Here is the download link.
PS: I cannot upload 7z files to forums, which would have helped alot.
EDIT: added a screenshot

thank you so much, i'll use to split my tileset :)
i'm brazilian, my name is Fernando, and i've 16 years old!
I'm programmer C++, Java, Vb6
My current project is a game MMORPG 2D, in C++
Regarding posting archive files to the forum: the intent of the allowed file formats was so people could discuss and work on art. I'd rather not get into the business of hosting programs due to the possibility that someone might post something malicious. At least if someone posts a zip file to an art submission with an executable, people will be suspicious of the executable and (hopefully) report it, rather than run it.
This isn't to say that I don't trust you personally -- I do. I'd be happy to upload your utility to OGA if you need a place to host it, but by and large I'd recommend setting up your own website for your project.
I've been getting really accustomed to ImageMagick lately, but this interface is a little more intuitive! Thanks!
@lincoln1000: I am glad to be of help
@Bart: I do have an inactive website (and the server I placed the file on). But I guess it will find more use if posted on a site that actually have visitors.
@makrohn: That and if you care to learn renaming rules in this program, you will find it a little bit more powerful.
Thinking about it second time, may be we should have a section on the site that links or hosts useful tools. Not just for tools like this, but also mainstream programs. Everyone knows GIMP and Blender but what if we are missing some other useful program?
Looks nice and useful, though the mouse feels a little sluggish (both on the Linux version and in the .exe through Wine). I also find it a bit odd that this kind of image utility needs an audio library (OpenGL too, but I can understand that since there doesn't seem to be any major cross-platform GUI library in use).
@Tapio: It runs on our game engine, therefore the need for audio. Although its not available in there, GUI also supports sounds. I am not sure about slow down issue. It should work fine even with older GPUs.
The mouse latency is probably due to using a software mouse. In Stunt Rally, we have a class called HWMouse that does some magic with X Window system (I'm on Linux) that makes the mouse as responsive as outside the program window. I just tried and disabling that there makes the mouse slightly laggy, similarly (though not quite as pronounced) to how it's in your program. (Also, I have a rather decent GPU).
Btw, I also noticed that the program eats 24-32% of one 3GHz CPU core (of 4 total) on idle. The perfectionist in me does not like that, but since this is based on your game, you might want to check that there isn't a bug in the GUI code that makes it hog unnecessary resources from your game itself.
Wow, let me check and rebuild it, might be a bug. When I posted that, Linux support was experimental. I just tested the application on my laptop (win7, i5) uses only 3-4% cpu and pretty responsive. Normally responsiveness of the mouse shouldnt be a problem. I am not sure about HW as current cursor implementation allows animations, even effects on cursors.