Werebear FLARE sprite sheets
Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 19:11
Art Type:
These are the rendered sprite sheets from http://opengameart.org/content/werebear-3d
They include two different sheets -- one brown and one white.
Edit: In addition to the two originals, there are eight more. One brown and one white plain, brown and white wearing torn pants and chainmail, brown and white wearing torn pants and shirt, and brown and white wearing torn pants and somewhat rusty chainmail.

Pretty cool ... the model reminds me of the 1st stage enemies from the "Dragon Fighter" NES game : D
All that aside I believe it could use more detail and a feral texture would be a welcomed addition.
Update: many new sprite sheets with (hopefully) better animations and texture variations.
Would it be possible to change the directions around so that they are the same as the original directions i.e. west facing on the first row. I plugged in the new graphics and it had the effect of the werebear moon walking towards you.
Weird! I'll look into it.