Voice acting sketch [Open Dungeons]

Sketch voice acting I made for Open Dungeons, features:
A drunken dwarf, a Hero advisor, two Dungeon Keepers, an evil snake and a toady imp :)
Plus a bonus: neutral computer.
This will also do for many fantasy-style strategy projects :)
File format:
WAV 48000/32 bit
OGG 44100/16 bit
- DWARF: 29 phrases
- HERO: 46 phrases
- KEEPER (GROAN): 47 phrases
- KEEPER (NEUTRAL): 38 phrases
- SNAKE: 47 phrases
- TOADY: 31 phrases
- COMPUTER: 42 phrases
Phrases fall into the following categories:
- Greeting
- Victory
- Defeat
- Ally defeated
- One enemy defeated
- Creature died
- You have met an objective
- You have a new objective
- You have failed one of your objectives
- Creature cannot create a bed
- Creature is hungry and cannot find food
- New creature arrived
- We are under attack
The Voice Acting will be improved (re-recorded) as soon as improved script will be made. See http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=6042 for details. Some of the files contain minor recording artefacts denoted with # tag in filename.
P.S. If you want some of *your* phrases also to be recorded, write a comment with specific requrest before I do re-recording (planned for late-January 2015).
I've used The Dark Amulet moody music for preview http://opengameart.org/content/the-dark-amulet-dark-mage-theme with CC-BY 3.0 by matthew.pablo

Very cool! Thanks a bunch, I'm going to put some of them to good use!