Character RPG Sprites
I combined my zombie base with the character assets I have, which can be found here:
*I will no longer be updating this art asset page. I'll be updating the one in the link above.*
In order to fully take advantage of these assets, please download GIMP: Using this program, you can open the xcf file I have in my zip file. I added many color combinations and there are millions of possible character combinations (I think 10+ million if you really wanted to make that many characters..). Hopefully I will be able to create more assets.. such as hairstyles and dresses in the near future. I found out how to easily recolor my artwork.. thus I should be able to spend more time creating new things and less remaking them.
*Warning, these files will change often with new materials - Assets it will build with time*
I combined the Bases with the Assets now so they are all in one zip. Make sure you check to see what version of of Bases&Assets you have. I will be going by 1-0,1-1,1-2, and so on. Compare your zip file name to the current zip file to see if there is a newer version.
**Please respect the liscencing and ask if you aren't sure what it entails. If you need a less restrictive license please ask, I check my e-mail regularly.**

It might be better to release more smaller packages and interlink them.
Yeah, I have to think of a better way to do this.. haha. I must be making your guys' lives miserable with how many updates and changes you have to approve.
What would you suggest?
I'd like to keep everything in one zip file, it's clean and then the person knows they have everything. On the other hand, it'd be nice to separate them so that people don't have to worry about base assets changing or if they have the latest version.
-Each new version will include the whole current base and asset library made by me in a new zip.
-Each new zip will have a lisence & updates file to show how to attribute and what changes have been made.
-This page can be bookmarked by people using it and have notices sent to them when things are changed.
OGA keeps all revisions so there shouldn't be any need keep multiple versions on the current revision. It'll likely only clutter and confuse.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing after I posted that. Users should know what version they have by their zip-file name, as well as what changes have been made (I'll be keeping an "License&Changes" text file in the zip). The text file will store an ongoing log of all changes sorted by versions.
Can you give more details on the art and license.
I'm interested in using these guys in a game. No changes will be made to your art and credit will be given in the credits, is there anything else?
The game is slated to be Free for download with possible IAP.
Please advise.
Hi ProgrammerArt,
It requires people to attribute me (on your game somewhere.. probably under credits), and to share any derivatives of the work under the same license. This makes it so anyone using the art gives back to the community as well.
So the answer is no, you don't need to do anything else. Just make sure you include a link back to this webpage with my name (URL is fine).
I am planning on eventually releasing my art as CC-BY-3.0, which will allow everyone to use my art as they see fit (While still giving me credit). Currently I have a game in production, so I would like anyone who is altering and using my art to share their art as well.