Roman Centurion Sword
Hello all,
This is a quick model of a roman centurion's sword. I did this to help me practice my modelling and texturing as I'm not very good at UV unwrapping and texturing models so this was a simple shape to start off with.
Hopefully its of use to someone!
Credit goes to:
Burning well
As I used many images to combine into the used textures or used as references for patterns so thanks to all of the above!
(Im not sure if I've packed the textures so let me know if I haven't, I'll attach a zip file with the textures anyway)
Edit: forgot to mention the number of verticies though I'm a bit confused, in object mode the vertice count says 390 however if I go into edit mode separately for the two objects its 23+125 = 148 so I mkae it 148 verticies. Does anyone know where this difference is from, or do the Ve's represent different things in each case

The count of the faces changes because of the mirrior modifier. I've got some other notes about your object, but don't want to look overly judgemental about free stuff. Looking for any critical opinions?
ah that makes sense, I thought that but I was expecting it to quadruple but I've just realised the points where the faces join wouldn't be counted twice :)
Certainley, if it's useful comments I don't mind as the reason I did this was to try to improve my modelling and texturing!
I'll let you take it as you want, I made some changes to the model, and added notes. I'll send it to your email, or FTP, or whatever you like, if you wish?
And this is good for learning about game UV textures:
how can this be both CC0 and CC attribution?