Noisy Tubes
Sunday, August 19, 2012 - 17:18
Art Type:

Just another track made on a day off. If you want to use this track and feel that it could fit your game better by editing the track, just let me know and I will try to help you :)

Hey Horror Pen me again! I love this track :D
Could I use it for my iOS game?
Of course you would be mentioned in the credits and linked back to your page here at OGA or wherever you wish.
Keep up the awsome work HorrorPen!
Hey heres a video of it in action. Please get back to me or I will not include this in my game!!! I plan on releasing the game shortly!
Yes you can use it :) Its CC-BY, so I don't think you even have to ask :D The game looks great by the way!
Thanks HorrorPen :D
And I know but I would feel wierd using something without knowing the artist knew
Pretty soon I will be releasing a game into early access on steam. If it generates enough income when I near end phase around full release I will be asking a few people on here to make some stuff for me. I would be willing to have a more private conversation when it comes time, but I would want exclusive rights to said music. Would come with coin :)
This is really cool! You should try making a few more of this genre!