Kicker - Modular Runner Pieces
Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 17:58
Art Type:
irmirx recently released an Animated Runner Spritesheet and someone requested the layers. In the interest of creating new spriting opportunities for people, I decided to go through, clean up some of the stray pixels and break the sprites apart as modular pieces that can be re-posed into a wider range of positions or used as a base for creating new animations. Hope this helps folks.
P.S. The animation above represents a recreation of irmirx's original animation done with the modular pieces and Spriter. It's a little heavier because of timing differences but form-wise is nearly indistinquishable.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please make sure to credit irmirx for his work on this sprite. Feel free to credit me as "Reliq" if you want.
File(s): 44.4 Kb [1625 download(s)]