Fossil (Undead) RPG Enemy MOD - therapsid charset
Tuesday, December 27, 2016 - 14:19
Art Type:
Original here:
by Redshrike.
I simply cut the elements out of the sprite, tweaked them and put them on a single sheet. Walk cycle, battle, a red glow effect, opening mouth, crouch, run, clawing etc. is enabled by cutting and pasting the elements from Redshrike's original.
I also cut up the tail bones to enable some flex and movement, to make that look good definitely find some references of lashing tails. Or, keep it stiff like "real" dinosaurs supposedly did, and use the tail bone elements to keep the stiff rudder like tail consistent with the model's movements.
If you like this, you should visit and thank Redshrike who did all the real work. :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
This is Redshrike's work, simply modded by me. Please look at the excellent originals here:

I really love seeing these collaborative works and expanding on existing artwork. It makes a good thing great. Keep it up! :)
I think free collaboration is possibly THE strongest feature of 'Open' movements.
No proprietary programming or game development has ever been stronger than open source or open hearted proprietary creations. How could it be, when one relies on a small team however expert and the other has the whole world? :)
Mao said the people are the sea in which the army swims, and Open movements are the same. Good stuff.