@Shokio: Different game engines require different arrangments for graphics. A Spritesheet is the norm, actually. A game engine needing individual frames of animations is atypical... Fortunately, splitting spritesheets into individual frames is fairly easy. Try these steps:
click "Create Sprite" (yellow button in upper-right of page)
click the Import button (white folder icon along right side of page)
under the "Import from picture" heading, click the yellow "browse images" button
select the spritesheet file you downloaded in step 1
click the "Import as spritesheet" radio button and enter the following values. Frame size:32 x 32. Offset:0 x 0
Click "Import" button. It will warn you about 'replace your current animation', but you don't have a current animation, so who cares? Click "OK"
In the upper right, you should see it processing the animations. After a few seconds it should be giving you a good preview of all the animation frames. Yay!
To save them as individual frames, click the "EXPORT" button (The white mountain+moon icon on the right side)
On the Export dialog, select the "Zip" tab: [ GIF | PNG | Zip | Others ]
Leave other options alone, and click "Download ZIP" button.
The zip file will contain all the frames as individual png files! :)
If you're getting the 3D art from here, then yes. you can modify it however you want so long as you're meeting the requirements of the author. Such requirements are nothing more complicated than listing the proper informaiton on your credits screen and in your credits file. See this FAQ entry for the recommended way to give attribution: https://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-how-to-credit
Calciumtrice's work always reminded me of the king's quest games: https://opengameart.org/users/calciumtrice
Or https://ezgif.com/sprite-cutter/ might be a bit simpler. Sorry, I should have suggested that first.
@Shokio: Different game engines require different arrangments for graphics. A Spritesheet is the norm, actually. A game engine needing individual frames of animations is atypical... Fortunately, splitting spritesheets into individual frames is fairly easy. Try these steps:
The zip file will contain all the frames as individual png files! :)
@monkeyfluids: See FAQ https://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-how-to-credit on how to credit.
Geez, WithinAmnesia! Check your monitor privilege! We don't all have screens the size of Texas for viewing your screenshots. :P Hahaha!
Seriously, though, nice work! This is a BA feature.
@MichaelEWhite: use 7-zip to open the files.
What kind of trouble? Any error messages?
Do you have the individual frame images available? MP4 is not a bad format, but it's pretty hard to adapt to a game. Video isn't really "textures"
You don't have to redo anything if it hinders you. Let the user reduce the polygons. :)
If you're getting the 3D art from here, then yes. you can modify it however you want so long as you're meeting the requirements of the author. Such requirements are nothing more complicated than listing the proper informaiton on your credits screen and in your credits file. See this FAQ entry for the recommended way to give attribution: https://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-how-to-credit