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- requesting license/s that exclude AI training. by MedicineStorm
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- I made editable games game engine by scl
- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by Eric Matyas
- Looking for human enemy sprites for boomer shooter by Technopeasant
- SDL by WraithGlade
- 2D procedural cave generator using cellular automata (tutorial) for Godot 4.3 by mujtaba-io
- I want to make a color customizable version of the lpc character generator by Gaurav
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- Re: Dreams of a Brighter Dawn by MedicineStorm
- Re: MoonGlade by Hyper
- Re: Random music 2 by game guy maker
- Re: Boss Battle #3 [8-bit re-upload] by Timmy Skwarchov
- Re: Ef Humeni Glorem by Kopavel
- Re: Random music 2 by MedicineStorm
- Re: Random music 2 by game guy maker
- Re: Random music 2 by game guy maker
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It's been mentioned several times in the past that one necessary thing OGA lacks is a decent selection of fonts. In fact, I would venture to say that in general it's been very difficult to find good, free fonts out on the internet. Of course, there are a lot of sites out there with tons of "free" fonts, but when you look closely at them, you'll discover that the random and arbitrary licensing restrictions on most of said fonts prevent you from using them for any sort of serious work, either Open Source or commercial.
So what's a FOSS developer to do? Well, until recently, the only options were to (a) rely on certain standard font families that come preinstalled on most machines, (b) package some of the few existing fonts (such as the Liberation fonts) that are known to be safely licensed, or (c) roll your own, which is a ton of work.
Enter the Open Font Library. As of the time of this post, the Open Font Library hosts 170 different fonts (and growing), all licensed in such a way (either Public Domain or the Debian-approved SIL Open Font License) that they're completely safe to use in any Open Source or proprietary software, commercial or otherwise.
But don't take my word for it. Go check the site out for yourself, and if you're feeling up to it, contribute a font of your own!
- bart's blog
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Congratulations to Osmic, winner of the OGA 3D Sci-Fi Props contest! This was far more extensive than we were expecting -- you could furnish most of a space station with this stuff! :)
For this amazing entry, Osmic will receive a $75 Amazon gift certificate. The objects can be downloaded at this link:
- bart's blog
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Just wanted to put out a quick reminder about the Sci-Fi props contest we're running. We're giving away Amazon gift cards and Google Wave invites (if you don't already have one). You can read more about the contest here. The contest ends on the 28th of December, so now is a great time to get started! :)
- bart's blog
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Over the next several weeks, OGA will be running a 3D modeling contest. We'll be asking that people submit Sci-Fi props (guns, crates, medkits, devices, etc) in the 3D format of their choice.
Here are the rules, in brief:
- The meshes you submit must be your own work.
- If you submit a textured mesh, the textures must be your own work as well.
- You must agree to license your work under GPL 2+ and CC-BY-SA 3+.
- Your work will remain your property, but it will be archived here regardless of whether you win the contest.
- reserves the right to reject pornographic or offensive entries.
- Submissions will be judged by OGA staff (and possibly some guest judges) on creativity, effort, and execution.
- You may submit more than one entry, but there is a maximum of one prize per person.
- Contest entries must be received by no later than Midnight on Monday, December 28th. Results will be announced one week later.
We will be giving away three Amazon gift cards as prizes, in the values of $75, $50, and $25 for the first three places. Google Wave invites will be available for the first four places, for those who are interested.
Please feel free to contact us or reply to this post with any questions!
Bart K.
- bart's blog
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Hey folks!
So, OGA has a list of feature requests that's a mile long, and I, as the lone developer, simply don't have enough time to tackle them all. If you're an experienced php coder (particularly if you know Drupal), OGA could use your help debugging and adding new features. If you'd be interested in volunteering your mad coding skillz, please reply here or send me a message with the contact form.
- bart's blog
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