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- Building a Library of Images for Everyone by VeteranXT
- What is generated with the help of the collaborative A.I. is licensed in what way? by MedicineStorm
- Manic Minutes by Technopeasant
- Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks by Eric Matyas
- My 3081-byte browser game by stgiga
- Open Realm of Stars by Reemax
- Free the Dungeon-themed asset pack by jlfreund
- requesting license/s that exclude AI training. by MedicineStorm
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- Re: Hajo's Incomplete Book of Magic by JesCiTy
- Re: Mouse by MedicineStorm
- Re: Mouse by MedicineStorm
- Re: Mouse by MedicineStorm
- Re: Mouse by MedicineStorm
- Re: Mouse by allen yatsura
- Re: Mouse by allen yatsura
- Re: Mouse by allen yatsura
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WARNING: Taking art from to be sold as NFTs? You may be committing FRAUD. Visit this link for legal details:
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UPDATE: Apologies -- looks like I accidentally turned off commenting for this post. This has been fixed.
Now that things are starting to come together, I need to get a feel from the site's users about the direction you'd like to see things go. Specifically, I'd like to hear about:
* Improvements that I can make to the site's interface (search, etc) that would make things easier to use or allow you to do more.
* Directions you'd like the site to take as far as acquiring new art (genres, art types, etc).
* Any other ideas you might have.
Just drop a comment in reply to this post -- no need to register if you don't want to. Brief is fine, but please be specific. :)
- Bart
P.S. A search by license feature has been requested more than once, and it's taking more time than I'd expected due to some technical issues. I'm hoping to have it working within a week.
- bart's blog
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I've replaced the drop-down menu bar with a more advanced one that has some cooler features and also works correctly on IE6 and 7. IE6 users (both of you) will now see a fully functional, if slightly more bland, version of the site. Sorry about the inconvenience.
- bart's blog
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If you've been checking the site out on a regular basis, you may have noticed a change in how the art is organized. Check out the "Browse 2D Art" and "Browse Audio" links at the top of the page.
Still to do:
* A lot of art is uploaded in archives. It would be highly useful, I suspect, if there were an easy way to browse art by archive.
* The menu at the top of the screen doesn't work perfectly for IE7 users, and not at all for IE6 users. I'm aware of the issue and in the process of implementing a fix. For now, you can browse the inner sections of the site with the menu block in the upper left.
Finally, just a note: The exclusive tile set is being worked on and should be finished fairly soon. Keep an eye out here for details.
- bart's blog
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I'm in the process of commissioning an artist to create an exclusive original fantasy tileset. As I'm on a bit of a budget, I'm planning to commission it in pieces from month to month. The tileset will be released under GPL 2&3 and CT-BY-SA, so it'll be usable in open source projects, the same way the rest of the art here is. Watch this spot for details and previews.
- bart's blog
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I've created a new theme for the site. Leave a comment here and let me know what you think of it. If you prefer the old one, just sign up for an account and switch it back in your user profile. :)
- bart's blog
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