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- Re: [LPC] Furry Ears & Tails for RPG Sprites (UPDATE 9/9/24: Added New Frames!) by MedicineStorm
- Re: USB compatible plug sprites by pyranostudios
- Re: 8-bit Platformer SFX by KobatoGames
- Re: Church combat by bonbon101
- Re: Tausdei vs Insydnis remixed by glitchart
- Re: Tausdei vs Insydnis remixed by Tausdei
- Re: Funky Hip Hop Lofi Jam by thejosving
- Re: First Level by thejosving
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Hey artists,
If you have a Patreon account, you can now enter the link to your creator page in your user profile. A "Support [your name] on Patreon" button will appear on your user profile as well as all of your art submissions that you authored.
- bart's blog
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Greetings, folks!
If you've been following OGA for a while, you're probably already aware that I've been considering serious funding options so that I can work part time on OGA, and eventually even transition to working on it full-time if funding allows. I've been putting it off for several months now due to time constraints, but the last few days of disastrous performance issues have made it clear to me that I no longer have enough free time to even tackle the routine maintenence this site requires in order to stay in working order, particularly given the increasing amount of traffic we've been getting lately.
The performanc issues are now fixed, but I had to take two days off of work to do it, and given that I do hourly contract work, that isn't something I can afford to do very often. The upshot of my job is that the hours are very flexible, so that even while my contract is in effect, I can work up to half time on maintaining and improving OGA, but in order to do this, I need continued funding so I can keep paying the bills.
While I had originally been considering Kickstarter, Patreon is a better business model for what I'm trying to do, since the monthly pledge model allows me to devote time to OGA continuously, rather than raising larger sums of money with periodic Kickstarter campaigns.
If you've found that OGA has been helpful to you in the past, please consider supporting this site with a monthly pledge. Click the link below to help out:
Thanks in advance for your continued support!
P.S. I would be happy to address any questions or suggestions that people have either here or on Patreon.
- bart's blog
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The short version of the story is that there were about 10 different things wrong with the server. Some of those things were configuration issues, and some of them were database tables getting out of hand.
We tweaked file system caching, we tweaked file system journaling, we tweaked the mariadb connection timeout, we tweaked mariadb memory allocation, we tweaked a couple Drupal modules, we fixed an out-of-control spam problem that was elsewhere on the server, and I'm sure we did some other things that I'm not remembering at the moment.
Load average has gone from about 18 to a balmy 1.7.
We'll see how things hold during peak hours, but right now things are looking a lot better. Again, sorry for all of the issues lately.
- bart's blog
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Sometimes the problem is something so stupid you don't think to check it. The disk was full. Now it's larger. Problem solved. :)
- bart's blog
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I've converted the vast majority of the glitch assets to SVG and uploaded them. They can all be found in this collection here:
Note that there were a couple of sets that were problematic. The overlays set converted so poorly that it's not worth uploading, and the wardrobe assets (as can be seen in the preview) had some pretty major issues as well. There are also a few random files that I just couldn't get to convert without crashing Illustrator. I don't really have time to root out the remaining bugs in the conversion process, but, as I said, the vast majority converted successfully, so there's a lot of excellent art to work with. If anyone wants to identify and convert the missing files, please feel free to do so, and I'll be happy to update the assets.
A big thank you goes out to Tiny Speck (for these amazing assets) and all of the people who helped me with the conversion process!
P.S. Due to the large number of Glitch submissions, some of you may have missed the recent set of submissions by chabull. I urge you to check them out.
- bart's blog
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