Free Sountrack Channel
Since there isn't a place to drop links to websites that are updated often, and since I don't really feel like upload the whole oeuvre of multiple artists, I am going to drop a link here.
Over Free Soundtrack
By the People. For the People. Rock On.
Creative Commons License:
"Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0"
Any song at Free Soundtrack can be downloaded and used for free. The music's by anyone, for everyone!
If you see any songs that are copyrighted PLEASE contact us immediately. We really want to avoid getting into legal scuffles.
DISCLAIMER: The music uploaded to this channel is not wholly made by us (the FST Admins), it is made by various artists who submit their work to the email "". By sending your work to this email, you're giving us permission to upload your song -and credit you- to our channel. We reserve the right to not upload a submission for whatever reason, be it copyrighted, stolen or just a clip of you making guttural sounds.