The art of destruction
Hey, I am thinking of developing a commercial game at some point but it seems to me that this is a request which, if the art was released under open terms, would be of benefit to many would-be indie developers and not just me. I notice that there is alot of 2D top down art around so that you can make your game look like a modern city, jRPG town, military base or alien planet, which is all great. But hardly ever does any of the open game art include versions of the elements in a damaged or destroyed state.
You'd think it would be obvious that any 2D game art worth making in any perspective is worth making blown up, smashed and/or on fire. It seems to me that the obvious thing for a video game to do is to allow the players to totally destroy anything that comes on screen. You know they want to, especially if they get frustrated. Seems to me that giving the players what they want so that they spend as much time on what they fundamentally want to be doing as possible (smashing everything in sight like the Hulk) and getting rewarded for it instead of punished would be the ideal game design strategy.
So, this is my game idea:
Most mobile games that use the accelerometer that I've tried are based on trying to avoid contact with dangerous obstacles. You squirm your phone or tablet around to avoid the baddies. Well, that can be fun I guess but it seems to me that it ought to be turned the other way round. Instead of your trying to avoid obstacles and enemies, they ought to instead be running away in fear of you and your unstoppable badassery. So I'm thinking of making a 2D top down side scroller in which you get to control that rolling boulder from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark as it rampages (yeah, Retro City Rampage is one of my inspirations) through a pixelly world in search of any and all buildings, cars, people and kittens to squish. The more mayhem you cause within some kinda time limit, the more points you'd get or something like that.
Just getting some placeholder art for this would help me tremendously. Like I said, for this to work, there would need to be regular and destroyed/squished versions of anything I put in the game. The closest thing I've been able to find even for placeholder art which has destroyed versions for the elements is from OpenTyrian. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.