RPG Kelgar Open Source
I want to announce that the code of the 3D RPG project Kelgar will be released under the terms of MIT. It need to be organized first, expect the code to be opened in December or earlier.
You can read more about the project here or visit the official forums.
The current release can be downloaded here.
Be sure to join the forums:
click to visit the development forums
Any idea if it's just the code that would be released under MIT. What about the art assets, is there a possibility that they would be released too, under MIT or under more harder/stricter copyleft licenses or none at all.
OGA could use and benefit from that art and models which could be re-used in other projects as well. Just an idea.
Most art (textures,sounds,models) was created by me. And I'm planning to sell some of them in near future, so the whole project will be not released as opensource.
You can still reuse the code in any way you like, it does already feature some cool stuff, like cooking,fishing or procedural quests.
Any update on the project ?
Yes, there are monthly updates. You can download Kelgar from IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/kelgar/downloads
Kelgar will launch Beta State with the next release (11.01.2013).
I think I will have organized the code and putted it on github till then.
IndieDB links are broken.
Source code of Kelgar found here: https://bitbucket.org/kelgar/kelgar/src
But looks like devs now focused on other project: Isle
Source code Isle here: https://bitbucket.org/kelgar/isle
Hi q4a! Thanks for providing the links :)
Good detective work ^^
You can still view the indiedb page and download the old, functional version of the game, the url just changed and is now: http://www.indiedb.com/games/kelgaralpha/downloads
Yes we switched to Isle/Root Dreams, as we realized the re-launch of Kelgar (not the same thing as the Kelgar on IndieDB, completely new game with same ideas) was too big and members left. But sadly, as it is now, Isle also kinda came to an end. The environment is done, but as our story writer is not an active part of the team anymore, it will probably stay at this, without much gameplay.
I'll see if I can maybe release the rest of the assets together with the other guys at some point.
You can already use all the awesome animals and characters Cestmir made (and I helped with): https://opengameart.org/users/cdmir
EDIT: Also, I just realized it was you trying to register at our forums. Sorry for kicking you, thought you were some sort of russian hacker :D