I would like some isometric art for my new game please :)
I am currently starting development on a simple little Isometric settlement-building game that I don't have a proper name for yet.
In this game you will be able to construct a few different types of buildings in order to produce resources, you can then use these resources to create more of these buildings, or workers to run the buildings, or warriors to defend your settlement from waves of monsters that attack at night.
Here is a very basic planned features list:
-start with a town hall, 1 lumbermill, 1 quarry 1 worker and 1 warrior
-use quarry to generate stone
-use food farm to generate food
-use tree farm to generate trees
-use lumbermill to make trees into wood
-use stone and wood to make a wall, lumbermill, quarry or hut
-use food to sustain or make citizens (worker/builder)
-use huts to house citizens
-train workers at town hall
-train warroirs at town hall
-use workers to work buildings or build buildings
-use warriors and walls to defend agaisnt monsters
-find trees or boulders that give you 1 time ammount of wood/stone when you mine them.
My game will be open-source and available fore free on itch.io when completed, unfortunately I can not offer any payment for people to make these art assets for me as I am an unemployed hobbyist game developer just looking to make games for fun and for others to hopefully enjoy.
Here is a list of art resources required to make the game, I would be very greatful is someone made some, or all of these images for me :)
-WALL (STONE/WOOD) (North, South, East and West orientations)
-WARRIOR (North, South, East and West orientations)
-WORKER (North, South, East and West orientations)
Style of artwork:
The style of art that I am looking for is isometric tiles with a very simplistic, clean, almost voxel-like feel with bright colours, I would like all of the buildings to be medieval themed if possible. The resolution that I am looking for is about the equivelent of 256x256 if we were talking in terms of a 2D, flat tile rather than an isometric, basically just high-res enough so you can zoom in quite far without the image becoming too pixelated. I have included a few reference images of the style that I would like :)
Thankyou very much for reading this post and I hope that I can rely on the generosity of others to make my humble dream an oppotunity.
-sincerely, meep706 :)
I'd be happy to work on this with you, what is your budget? my email is: timdouel@hotmail.co.uk