Action rpg / hack and slash: heroes of ages past
Friday, June 1, 2018 - 10:04
Here is a sneak peek into my game. It's an action rpg, mostly inspired by diablo 2, but with snes graphics (most of it anyway). It's a one-man project that I really enjoy doing in my free time.
I'd like to know what you guys think. I know it's just screenshots, but maybe if some of you are really nice, I could send you a trial version *wink wink*.
looks fun. I'm really nice. *wink*
--Medicine Storm
Considering I've used a bunch of your sprites in the game, I guess I could consider you to be nice *wink*
send me your e-mail in a private message and I can send you my latest pre-alpha build.
Yay! PM sent.
--Medicine Storm
I was right; it's fun. Wasn't able to interact with villagers, but I assume that is simply a feature not yet implemented. Finally made it to the shadow dragon. That guy is no joke! The combat controls are simple yet combat itself was still challenging. Nicely done. I was journeying along the forest path fighting some undead. I saved it, rebooted for an update, then the update seems to have halted the game from functioning correctly. Now I only see a blank white window (or my own desktop if in full screen mode). Not your fault, but thought you should know some recent windows updates may be causing Unity player issues.
Thanks for letting my try it out.
--Medicine Storm
Hi MedicineStorm,
I'm glad to know that you enjoyed the game. I have a save game feature but I haven't updated it recently to save all the new things I'm implementing, so it's not working properly. I'll take a look at the white screen bug, definitely something that isn't supposed to happen... I have some great plans for this game and I eventually would like it to end up on steam for like 5-10 bucks.
I'm curious, in all honesty, do you believe, in your gamer opinion, that this could be a game worth buying (considering I'll try to have 40+ hours of gameplay and eventually random dungeon generator for some replayability) ??
Your comments are really appreciated and if you have friends who would like to try it out, I could definitely keep you guys informed on futur updates.
In my honest gamer opinion, I think ths game may be worth buying with the all the fatures you have planned. :)
I do not think it is at that point currently, though. Not really an issue since you've already said it's pre-alpha and you need to implement a lot more fatures. I do think it has potential, but you'll definitely want to have all the graphics have a more consistent look eventually. Random level gen can really add to replayablity, but its important that RNG-based features are crafted in a way that makes them interesting. I wish I could give more specific advice on this, but it's pretty hard to describe. Giving dungeons a maze-like randomization is pretty cool, but I can make 20 different mazes that all have different solutions, yet the player will feel like they're all the same thing. I guess I'm trying to say RNG dungeons are only good when you have many differences in kind, not just differences in layout.
I'm always happy to test fun games like this. Let me know if you have more questions for me. :)
--Medicine Storm
Ahh this might be interesting!
I hope I'm nice enough too ;)
Hey there Spring!
I can surely send this your way, however it'll have to wait until tonight since I'm at work and with a recent windows update, the version I currently have on my google drive doesn't work anymore.
Just send me a pm with an e-mail address and I'll send you the link tonight.