The Knight - Free Sprite
Sunday, April 3, 2016 - 21:33
Art Type:
Free 2D character sprites with knight character.
Suitable for your fantasy medieval adventure, RPG, or other 2D side scrolling games.
- 7 animation states. Each animation state consists of 10 frames
- File format: Separate PNG sequence files
- DragonBones project file included. If you want to modify or add another animations to the character
See more at great sprites at:

Thanks, very good work
Amazing!! Thx for sharing ;)
Thanks for sharing
Excellent! Thanks for sharing.
These are amazing! Check out the website. Its full of beautiful art
Wish this knight was four directions. Looks like you have a 4 directional knight on your website but can't use that in an open source game. I dummied three frames facing the opposite direction. Not as good as what you would produce I'm sure but I'm shrinking them down to 64 pixels tall so any visual problems are not noticable. An old version of the game without the new images can be found here. It also includes a modified version of your Santa character.
Perfeito! Ótimo trabalho, foi o melhor que eu achei não só no site mas em todos os lugares que procurei.
Thanks man