Stone Home Interior Tileset
This tileset is meant for representing the interiors of homes and was created for Hero of Allacrost. The art follows a format of 32x32 pixels for each tile. Jetrel created the original designs for the walls, stone floors, rug, columns, and stairs. I expanded upon his designs so that the tiles were a bit easier to use in a repeatable fashion and added a lot of variation to the walls so you can build more interesting structures (and not just rectangles). I also created additional artifacts myself from scratch, including the stairwells, wooden floors, wooden half-walls, stair railings, and guardrails.
The examples provide some good demonstration of how to use the walls. (Note that there's some additional artwork in the examples not in this tileset). I hope you guys find this work useful. If you decide to use it in your game, post about it here. I'm interested to see how other people make use of this work.

Could you please remove the rips and uncredited art from the preview images?
Yes, I can do that. Although I think it's a lot more natural to understand its usage when you add furniture and decorations inside these homes. You'll need to give me a few days though as removing all of that other art is not easy to do. And FYI, all the other artwork in the previews are either from Allacrost or other content on this site that is either CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.
Personally, I think the previews are a bit misleading as is, but you could also just credit the art used. That is what CC-By requires.
It is impressive. Very successful design.
Good point there Sharm. I didn't think about it being misleading, and that certainly wasn't my intent. I'll make sure the first preview image only uses art from the tileset, then any additional art that is in other previews I will properly credit where necessary. Thanks for keeping me honest. :)
Hey so if I want to use these tiles in a commercial game i'm doing other than putting Tyler Olsen and Jetrel in the credits what else do you need me to do?
I've used SA before and asked a few other people regarding othewr works however depending on the person they often have different ideas and require more or less for their credits so if anyone here is able to answer my question that would be great and a reply asap would be appreciated
CC-BY-SA requires that you must: