Simple 16x16 Pixel Bricks
Monday, September 4, 2017 - 15:18
Art Type:
These sprites are incredibly simple, there isn't any shading or color change. That being said i've made them extremely appliable, from more realalistic and gloomy to bright fictional colors, they're pretty diverse. Also feel free to take the pattern and build somthing more advanced for your self.
In total there's 23 sprites. Each brick has a version of it self built for sitting next to other bricks if your goal is to build large structures such as backgrounds or platforms. Also included is a version of each brick surrounded in a border
~ Help you visualize the theme for your game
~ Place holders for future more advanced sprites
~ Building asset simple games
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Do whatever you want

Looks like your preview image is a .png file that is supposed to be a .zip file that contains a .png file of one of your tiles. Not sure how that would even happen.
I live on the edge
The edge needs a preview. :)