RPG Assets 'Tile Set' (NES)
Saturday, February 17, 2018 - 13:00
Art Type:
RPG Asset Tile Set which can be used with my other RPG Assets or your own created projects.
Tile Set 1:
A calm outside environment with grass and stone plains. Fences, trees and water tileable from either 8x8 or 16x16 tiles. PNG file and .CHR file included for Homebrew developers. :)
This asset has been created using a colour pallette from a PAL model NES system and its colour limitations to provide you with graphics needed to create a genuine looking NES game. :)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Free to as you want, no credit or permission needed, but always apreciated.:)
You could hit that fav button and/or share this asset on your social networks!

thanks, i hope so! :)
Background for a Battleground has now been added. :)
Surts' Monster has now been added. :) Thank you @Surt!.
find his work here:
The monster looks great!
Love the flame pit framing for him also!
Just needs a name now!
@capbros thanks! Not sure for a name, think il leave that up to the user. Il just call it Surt monster.:)
Tah-Dah! The Mad SMS'er strikes again!
Converted this one to SMS palette.
Also attaching screen shot of PixelPaletteTool in action doing the swap since a little birdie told me chasersgaming might be interested in seeing how easy it makes these kind palette swaps to do.
Sweet! Nice job! :) thanks for doing that, I will look at your pixel palette tool very soon! :)