RPG Assets (GB)
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 - 09:24
Art Type:
This wil be an assortment of Sprites, Animations, GUI etc that are RPG related. it will be updated with new stuff over time.
* Tile set 1 are 8 x 8 tiles, including fence & tree. Includes PNG & CHR files. Canvas size is 128x128.
* Background 1, 8 x 8 tiles, canvas 128x128. in gray and original olive green.PNG & CHR files included.
* Monster Sprite Sheet. various sized, 4 directional movement, projectiles, splatter and biting. based on 'Surts Scraps' portfolio. Thank you Surt!
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Free to as you want, no credit or permission needed, but always apreciated.:) You could hit that fav button and/or share this asset on your social networks! Monster based on Surts portfolio, you could credit him for his original work. :) http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/cc0-scraps

Looks great! This is some of your best work!
@capbros thank you! i am feeling really confidant at the moment and im hoping for great things this year, your comment has just giving me more of a big head, haha. seroiusly though, thanks. long time no see, glad to see your pixel pallette tool is coming on great. you up for another game jam this year? :)
Files have been updated. was missing a couple of tiles, and now includes the .CHR files. :)
Sorry if I've been quiet lately. Got my nose to the grind stone trying to get my next game ready for public unveiling. Still, I could probably find time for another jam. Is there going to be another one this summer or sooner?
Hi @capbros, yes I will run another jam, il do it every year:) there will be some changes this time based on the feedback received from the first one, but il post about it nearer the time. It ran in June I think, so it will be around then, but not to clash with ludam dare.:) look forward to seeing your new project!
Background for a battle has been added. :)
Surts' Monster has now been added. :) Thank you @Surt!.
find his work here: