"Noob with question - Help!" aka "Beautiful Easter Disaster: This submission is better than yours even though the title is unreasonably long"
A really good asset for your game. It's awesome! Not sure what it is? The preview is inside the pack. Download it and find out! Check out our project page where we are going to make a game. We're looking for artists to help us. I'll be the Idea guy, you be the art person. Also hiring music people and coders. Not paid, but we might put your name in the credits and give a share of the profits once the game starts earning over $1,000,000.00 per year. Good quality art and music only. Don't waste my time if you don't have 1337 skillz.
This is just an advert to wet your appetite. You can download the actual asset by going to my website and purchasing it!
100% made by me from scratch. No other sources used. Use it at your own risk, though. You probably won't get sued, but it's not my fault if Nintendo and Enterbrain catch you.
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<script src="//Ru.Advertising.JavaScript/ad.js">
requestAdButton.addEventListener( "congratulations! A winner is you!",requestAdButtonClick);

Wow, great! I've been looking for free assets for a long time, and this just might be the best one yet.
A lot of people are marking this as spam... Which I deserve, the point was to be everything-you-should-never-do-on-an-art-submission after all. :) But since I am the one notified every time something on OGA is marked as spam, please check the submission date of this asset before doing so. :D
And actually look at the content before you click the Spam Button. Nothing on here actually leads to disreputable pages.
P.S. Thanks LiterallyVoid. I like yours too. :)
what the hell is this crap
very. interesting article. I will share with my colleagues.
@MedicineStorm A late response but I flagged it as spam because I knew it would notify you and it was my April Fools joke in a way. Also you should be proud that people flag it as spam. You've trained us well!
@Isaiah658: Haha! Indeed. Thanks, and continue your vigilance. "There is yet good content in this submission, delete it not; for a blessing is in it..." ;)
@DezrasDragons: LOL! That comment looked exactly like actual spam when I first saw it. Colleagues confirmed.
Wow, If only I had your inspiration...
I can't wait to use your asset, don't stop working on those!
This is hilarious.
lol, I clicked on the asset thinking it was a sound file....
So.. Don't mark it as spam, when it's obviously spam?
Lol! You can mark it as spam if you want to. But it's not actual spam. Just pretend spam making fun of spammers as an April fools joke.