[LPC] Muscular Hurt Animation
Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 19:40
Art Type:
The 'hurt' animation for the LPC muscular base by dalonedrau. The muscular base can now swing a weapon and die! He can also wear pants while doing so.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Original stand / walk base by Dalonedrau.

Super awesome! Thanks a lot Eliza:) I see in your preview also a black muscular base, how do you create those? Do you just like change the color settings of the base using any image editor, or do you have another option for this?
BTW if you also need like siege weapons for the last score, maybe my submission yesterday might be of help for you.
I have a color palette that I use for the skin, clothes, hair, everything-- I made myself a program that recolors things for me, but my old, by-hand method was to recolor those bars in the top right corner with fill tool and the 'contiguous' button turned off. It's a super-easy way to figure out your own palette.
Ooor I could add all my skin and pant colors to this, if you like. (I was starting to get the idea that my custom skin tone groups were superfluous?) I use a different format for the character sheets, splitting each animation into its own .png, which is a little more work for others. Programming wise, it's an easy way to see which animations are present and which aren't, and I don't have to worry about shirts disappearing during the shoot animation and the like.
As to The Last Score-- I'll be getting basic items and farming / mining / building first, but we'll see when we get there. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. :)
Ahh ok, sounds like a great idea indeed to write a small programm that can actually take care of this recoloring. Thanks for the explanation:) No need then to upload the recolored verslons you made, I am quite convinced that such a program has a great value so I am going to write one asap.
Thnx again and very happy holidays!
It's also that I'm pretty sure everyone's using their own palettes for skin and clothes, and all of mine are pretty custom. Plus, all the colors and varients will be on Github pretty soon. I'll just go through these assets when I've gotten it all up and link them to the repository, so it's super-easy to grab everything.
Merry Christmas!
Dalonedrau licensed his assets only as CC-BY-SA 3.0, relicensing as GPL is not possible.
@Basto: Good catch. Although I suspect it is more likely an oversite on the dalonderau's asset than here since almost all LPC assets are dual licensed CC-BY-SA + GPL. I've left a question on the other submission page, hopefully we'll get an answer to that soon. :)