[LPC] Baobabs
Baobab trees, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup. Kindly commissioned by YuriNikolai for the OpenTaxa project: https://opentaxa.miraheze.org/
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Six species of baobab trees are included. Each has a version with and without leaves. Separate layers for trunk, canopy, and shadows, as well palettes and editable source file (PyxelEdit) are included.
- Adansonia grandidieri (Grandidier's baobab) - two varieties, plus alternate canopy
- Adansonia gregorii (Baob, Australian baobab)
- Adansonia digitata (African baobab)
- Adansonia suarezensis (Suarez baobab)
- Adansonia za (za baobab)
- Adansonia rubrostipa (fony baobab)
Baobabs are fascinating trees. Some interesting facts from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adansonia
- "They are among the most long-lived of vascular plants." "The Panke baobab in Zimbabwe was some 2,450 years old when it died in 2011, making it the oldest angiosperm ever documented, and two other trees—Dorslandboom in Namibia and Glencoe in South Africa—were estimated to be approximately 2,000 years old"
- "African and Australian baobabs are almost identical despite having separated more than 100 million years ago, probably getting to Australia from Africa by oceanic dispersal"
- "The white pith in the fruit of the Australian baobab (A. gregorii) tastes like sherbet.[29] It has an acidic, tart, citrus flavor.[30] It is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, carbohydrates, and phosphorus"

yoo never thought I'd be seeing baobobs in pixelart form. Nice!
If you intended to submit this for the art challenge, it also needs the tag, "2022".
Thanks! I'm not sure this will be my submission to the contest yet. I'll probably make 3--4 submissions this month, one of them will be an entry don't worry ;-)
Very nice!