Jump and Run - Tropical Mix
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 15:23
Art Type:

A brief, tropical version of my Jump and Run song. Maybe I'll add more to it at some point. Right now it's a short loop.
Attribution instructions: You must link back to http://opengameart.org in your credits.

Hi, could I use your sound for a commercial game?
And if you agree, could I use the sound under the licence CC-BY-SA 3.0 or CC-BY 3.0? and how I should attribute your work?
Thanks a lot :)
Yes, absolutely. :)
As for the license, you can choose whichever of the listed that licenses you prefer, including CC-BY. Just link to opengameart.org somewhere in your credits.
I am going to use your music in my game BaseWar (http://www.plankes-projects.com/basewar/)
Just to let you know =)
PS: I will mention you with a link to this site
Thank you for this music!
I credit you and used it in my Android game "Nessie Odysseus", for the "Loch Ness" level:
I'm using the music as title screen.
New video with new UI
Firstly, thanks for your great music. Could I use your music for a commercial use?
And of course, I will mention you with a link to this site.
When you say a "link to the site" do i need to have the link pointing to your page? or literally just to the opengameart.org website?
Im new to the CC stuff, so any help is appreciated, especially in terms of referencing format.
p.s im hoping to use this song in a commercial game
Usually when an artist says "link to the site" they mean either their own site or the specific page you found the asset on. Incidentally, this artist -- bart -- is also the owner of OpenGameArt.org, so either one works. :)
I'd personally recommend linking directly to this page, though. Makes it a lot easier for people to know exactly what work you're talking about when giving credit. A pretty good format guide for your credits screen is:
which, in this case, would be:
Thank you soooo much for this response! you have helped me so much with that detailed response, i really appreciate it!
hello can I use your song for the main menu theme for my game if so how do you want me to credit you?
Im using this loop as the main music for my game. I am crediting you with a link to the site!
You can check it out here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.square.parade
Thanks a lot for the loop!
Awesome music, used this in my Android game Kaapelipeli: The Cable Game as background music while playing Slots :)
I put your info and link to my credits.
This is a great audio. Thanks for the upload!
I am going to use it in my video-game!
Well, the game is just a prototype, so it won't be found on any major platforms, but I'm going to upload it on Github. I would surely give credits to you, for using this particular sound!
What do I have to do to be allowed to use the music?
@MartinYy: Depends on the license you're using. This submission allows you to select GPL 2, GPL 3, CC-BY, or CC-BY-SA. See the FAQ on licenses.
I'd say CC-By is the simplest in this case: You can use the music however you want. Even commercially. The only requirement is that you credit the author (bart) wherever you use it. bart has indicated how he wants you to attribute him: "Attribution instructions: You must link back to http://opengameart.org in your credits."
I really like this song and would like to use it in my game. but since it is a toddler game we don't want to add any links to the game. Can we put your info on our website instead?
What does it being a toddler game have to do with linking to the game?