Happy Arcade Tune
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 15:54
Art Type:

A cheerful tune for some arcade or fast paced puzzle game.
My soundcloud profile https://soundcloud.com/rezoner
And twitter thing https://twitter.com/rezoner
Contact me if you'd like to buy some original music for your games.

Really fun but perhaps a bit too loud?
Can i use this in my game?
Yes, totally :) That's the reason it is there.
Thank you! What kind of attribution woul you like?
Thank you! What kind of attribution woul you like?
Just a place in credits will do :)
I used this music in our game's(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playsolution.swypify&hl=en) menu screen. Thank you for sharing this track! :)
I used this music in a game designed by my 4 year old daughter. Everyone who hears it loves it. Thank you for the upload
Game URK here Ice Cream Splat: http://nodj.host-ed.me/ice-cream-splat/e%20and%20l%20ice%20cream%20splat.html
Nice works!!!
I just used it in my MiniLD #46 (aka Shark Jam) entry and it match the game perfectly.
Thank you so much for sharing it. ^o^
Here is the link: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/minild-46/?action=preview&uid=26150
Thank you for creating this! I used the music in my game 'Sweet Shot'. More information on our website: MarWin Studios.
Hey I used this song in my second android game and added you in credits.
Check it out:
hi, good job, i want to use this track for my game, special THX!
Thank you for this nice music piece. I am now using it in my game as the title screen music.
Look for Woodland Chasers in itch io site
Hey there. We have used it in our game project's one level as a levels background music. Thanks for inspiration and good luck with future works. Peace!!
Projects link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AtlantisGameStudio.Dodo
Hi, i would love to use this in my game ^_^
but what should i put in crédits please ?
Thank you for sharing !
This music is awesome!
nice sound :) I used it on my videos:
Credits given! Thanks!
Amazing! How do you want me to give your credits?
thank you. I will use it well.
Nice music!
Count me in as another person that loves this track! I'm using it on one of the levels in my new game (level 3 I think)! The game is called "Wak Attak". There's only a Discord for it right now, but there's an alpha demo that you can check out and find your song in there.
Thank you very much for the uplifting music! I used it for my Valentine's themed Minecraft video: https://youtu.be/TB0NySf7bcs