Frog Chair
Sunday, November 2, 2014 - 05:15
Art Type:
Whenever I'm bored my mind goes to a strange place. One night I was thinking about animals mouths and how it would be weird to comfortably sit in one. Then I jumped on the computer and created this strange chair. For anyone who has wanted to sit in a frog's mouth...well here's your inspiration to make your dream come true! :)
This work of art was created in Cinema 4D in about 15 minutes so if it doesn't look good enough for your kinky purposes you can change the model as you like.
If, for some reason, you download this and decide to use it I'd love to know! You can use it however you want and you don't have to give me credit. Leave a comment and tell me what or where you used this model.

Why GPL and OGA-BY if you've got CC0 there? Is that a mistake?
CC0 is a way to public domain a work worldwide by giving the most liberal licensing terms possible for cases where a country doesn't have a public domain concept. Once you CC0 a work any license beyond that is redundant.
I didn't really know the difference. Thanks. Which one is more generous? What licence should I use?
CC BY/OGA BY: attribution only
CC0: public domain, anything can be done
CC BY-SA/GPL: copyleft
You may add several incompatible licenses at once to maximize compatibility (eg. CC BY-SA + GPL).
GPL and LGPL act the same way on art, there is no difference.
Thanks. So would OGA be a good choice if I wanted people to be able to use it commercially, but didn't want people to be able to copy/paste and claim credit?
Yes, OGA is a good choice. You'll want to remove CC0, as that doesn't require credit.
OGA-BY is however an uncommon license, unlike CC BY.
We have a similar one in Ukraine/Kyiv :)