D20 rolling animations
2d spritesheet of D20 rolls.
Because i really like dices. And in the game I'm building, if all works fine, every roll by the random number generator will be prettyfied and presented to the player through an animated dice roll.
So I've decided to create some sort of dice animation representing each of the 20 results of a D20 roll. That first attempt consumed quite some time and the results were kinda disappointing, but as soon as I'm able to re-render it all on a better (or someone else's) machine, things will get better.
The whole thing made using mayhem8166's d20 3d model for blender (http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/71310), with some adjustments, rendering each dice roll for the 20 possible results, then packing it all together in series of frames / spritesheets.
Note: Due to the lack of a decent GPU, the rendered .png images had their quality greatly reduced, and even then it took quite a few minutes to render each of the 20 rolls. Shame on me for not investing in a decent machine :)
I'm providing the .blend files together with the package: with only a few adjustments in Blender someone else can redo it in little time and achieve much better results.
If you feel like doing that, I would really appreciate if you could share the rendered files of the final product with me. I could even repack the stuff and give it back in the same spritesheet .png format (in case you fear python or simply don't want to waste any time doing that part).
In the uploaded 7z basically everything I've used is available.
- There are separete folders for each roll, containing the .blend file and the individual frames of it;
- In the main folder you can find the python scripts used to make the boring work easier;
- Also, in the main folder, you can find a 12 frames spritesheet for each of the 20 possible dice rolls.

I would like to render this, but I think you may have forgotten to include the image used for the material on the dice. Are you able to add this?
Hi @philipAnderson, I've just uploaded the texture image (numbers6.png) to the post. If anything else is missing, lemm know :)
Notice that the texture is black and white, made blueish / transparent by shaders and opacity values that mayhem8166 used.