Some Characters by Ragewortt in Vector
Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 21:32
Art Type:
Just what the title says, 7 characters by Ragewortt in Vector.
File contains :
2 Vikings
2 Knights
2 Savages
1 Amazon
- Added the second Amazon with a couple of extras. 20/16/2016
- Added a Battle Axe for our heroes
- Changed the first file, the new one has an updated version of the first Amazon and the subsecuent updates.
- Added a winged helmet for our vikings
- Added an Archer Character :D
- Added the Plant Golem Aug-26th-2016
- Added the Robot Boss Aug-27th.2016
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Since Ragewortt [uid:37191 licensed them as CC0 The same license applies; give credit to him and if you're feeling generous to me for the conversion.

They are wonderful and very funny designs
Hello, are you planning on doing the other ones ? :) That would be really cool !
That they are indeed.
Yes, given enough time I will do every single one (even the sketches) and probably add some new ones.
Awesome, I'm looking forward to see your work :)
thanks a lot for doing this !
Amazing !! thanks for sharing ;D
Just uploaded the second Amazon. :-)
Looks really good! Thanks.
Just Uploaded the Plant Golem
@EdSquare - Are you free to talk on skype? i`m working on a 2d rpg game for steam and i need help with certain stuff with the design.
Let me know [=
@Oren Sent you a PM
Hello, i used your sprite on my first game ever, thank you very much for the great work. Don't worry i give you all credit on my credits section.
My game:
If i have done something wrong contact me :)
@Mikee why thanks! glad it was of use!
can i use these in my game? ill give credit in my game. please reply asap!!
The License is CC0 so yes, you can use them, credit is welcome, Rageworth is the creator and I'm the one who made the SVGs. Do you know how to separate the pieces? If not open them in inkscape, then select them and then ungroup them. don't remember if the characters are also grouped with each other.
If you try to move one and all move together then they are, so ungroup them.
Then to have each character divided in it's pieces you need to ungroup it too.