############################################### OpenGameArt.org automatically generated credits file notice: THIS FILE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL OPENGAMEART.ORG BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES, OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS FILE OR THE INFORMATION IN IT. In plain English: This credits file is automatically generated to the best of our ability, but it remains YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a game developer to ensure that the art you use is attributed properly. That is, we can't be held liable even if all of the information in this file is completely wrong. In addition, some of the art listed in this file may have SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS that ask that you credit the artist in a particular way, rather than a verbatim copyright notice. In those cases, you will probably need to hand-edit this file to comply with their instructions. In some older art, attribution instructions may be included in the art description itself. Please check the art page to be sure. We recommend that you delete this notice when you're sure the information here is correct and the attribution instructions are properly followed. If you aren't the game developer and you're seeing this notice here in the credits, it probably means that the developer hasn't properly verified the attribution information contained herein even though it said they were supposed to do it right on the page where they downloaded this file. ############################################### Title: Slates [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol] Author: Ivan Voirol URL: https://opengameart.org/content/slates-32x32px-orthogonal-tileset-by-ivan-voirol License(s): * CC-BY 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Ivan Voirol File(s): * Slates [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol].png * Slates v.2 [32x32px orthogonal tileset by Ivan Voirol].png * Slates - palettes.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Basic map 32x32 by Ivan voirol Author: Ivan Voirol URL: https://opengameart.org/content/basic-map-32x32-by-ivan-voirol License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Ivan Voirol File(s): * 32x32_map_tile v1.0.png * 32x32_map_tile v1.1.png * 32x32_map_tile v1.2.png * 32x32_map_tile v2.1.png * 32x32_map_tile v3.1.png * 32x32_map_tile v3.1 [MARGINLESS].png ---------------------------------------- Title: DENZI's 96x96 and 64x64 isometric tilesets Author: DENZI URL: https://opengameart.org/content/denzis-96x96-and-64x64-isometric-tilesets License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: DENZI部屋のドット絵フリー素材は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス (http://www3.wind.ne.jp/DENZI/diary/) に基づいて公開しています。(CC-by SA 表示-継承)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Translation: "DENZI Room's pixel art (published at http://www3.wind.ne.jp/DENZI/diary/) is free material under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA attribution, share alike) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" File(s): * 96x96_64x64_isometric.zip * 96x96_64x64_isometric_transparent_bg.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: DENZI's 32x32 orthogonal tilesets Author: DENZI URL: https://opengameart.org/content/denzis-32x32-orthogonal-tilesets License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: DENZI部屋のドット絵フリー素材は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス (http://www3.wind.ne.jp/DENZI/diary/) に基づいて公開しています。(CC-by SA 表示-継承)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Translation: "DENZI Room's pixel art (published at http://www3.wind.ne.jp/DENZI/diary/) is free material under the Creative Commons license (CC-BY-SA attribution, share alike) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" File(s): * 32x32_orthogonal.zip * 32x32_orthogonal_transparent_bg.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: 16x16 Wall set Author: InanZen URL: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-wall-set License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Link to http://opengameart.org/ File(s): * WallSet.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Mage City Arcanos Author: Hyptosis URL: https://opengameart.org/content/mage-city-arcanos License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Feel free to use it for anything, you can even make profit. If you want please give me credit for the tile though as 'Hyptosis' or link to www.lorestrome.com if you want. But you're not obligated to. Everyone should be able to make games, I hope these help. File(s): * magecity.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Castle Tiles for RPG's Author: Hyptosis, Zabin, Daniel Cook URL: https://opengameart.org/content/castle-tiles-for-rpgs License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Zabin, Hyptosis, and Danial Cook. https://opengameart.org/content/castle-tiles-for-rpgs File(s): * Castle2.png ---------------------------------------- Title: 2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles winter theme with additions Author: Daniel Cook, yd, Jetrel, Zabin URL: https://opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-zelda-style-tiles-winter-theme-with-additions License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Daniel Cook, Jetrel, yd, and Zabin. File(s): * snowWIP.png ---------------------------------------- Title: 2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles resized to 32x32 with additions Author: Daniel Cook, Jetrel, Saphy (TMW), Zabin, Bertram Collaborators: Jetrel, Bertram URL: https://opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-zelda-style-tiles-resized-to-32x32-with-additions License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Credit goes to Daniel Cook's 2d Circle Graphic Archive, Jetrel's mockups resized 32x32, Bertram's improvements, Zabin's modification and additions, Saphy (TMW) tall grass and please provide a link back to OGA and this submission. File(s): * mountain_landscape.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Castle Door Author: Reemax URL: https://opengameart.org/content/castle-door License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Castle door by Tuomo Untinen File(s): * castledoors.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Animated Castle Doors Author: Reemax URL: https://opengameart.org/content/animated-castle-doors License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Animated Castle Door by Tuomo Untinen File(s): * animatedcastledoors.png ---------------------------------------- Title: 4-Color Dungeon Bricks (16x16) Author: MoikMellah URL: https://opengameart.org/content/4-color-dungeon-bricks-16x16 License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * bricks.db32.png ---------------------------------------- Title: 2D Circle Graphic Desert Cliffs Author: Jetrel URL: https://opengameart.org/content/2d-circle-graphic-desert-cliffs License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * desert-cliffs.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Roguelike Tiles (large collection) Author: David E. Gervais URL: https://opengameart.org/content/roguelike-tiles-large-collection License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * AngbandTk.zip * DO Items.zip * DO SysPics.zip * DO Terrain.zip * DO Monsters.zip * DO More.zip * Silmar.zip * Work.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: More RPG enemies! Author: Redshrike URL: https://opengameart.org/content/more-rpg-enemies License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org File(s): * 9RPGenemies.PNG ---------------------------------------- Title: JS Monster Pack 4 - "Ascent" Author: JosephSeraph URL: https://opengameart.org/content/js-monster-pack-4-ascent License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * Battlers.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Classical Temple Tiles Author: surt Collaborators: bart URL: https://opengameart.org/content/classical-temple-tiles License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * classical_temple_tiles.png ---------------------------------------- Title: First Person Dungeon Crawl Protagonist Author: Redshrike URL: https://opengameart.org/content/first-person-dungeon-crawl-protagonist License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Art by Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org File(s): * Base2.png * cloak2.png * brigadierArmor2.png * BronzeMace.png * FullPlate2.png * Hammer.png * Katana.png * knife.png * LeatherArmor2.png * Longsword.png * PartialPlate2.png * SilverArmor2.png * staff.png * formatting paperdoll heroine newbase.psd * HeroineOldBase.psd * OldHeroine Layers.zip * Heroine Layers.zip * Heroine Layers.7z ---------------------------------------- Title: Cave tileset Author: Beast URL: https://opengameart.org/content/cave-tileset-0 License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Art by MrBeast. Commissioned by OpenGameArt.org (http://opengameart.org) File(s): * cave.png ---------------------------------------- Title: JS Monsters - Aeon Monsters I Author: JosephSeraph URL: https://opengameart.org/content/js-monsters-aeon-monsters-i License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * Monsters1b.png ---------------------------------------- Title: [LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites Author: wulax URL: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: I waive the DRM-limitation clause in the Creative Commons license for this art collection, allowing their free use on platforms like iOS or Steam provided you give credit as specified. File(s): * lpc_entry.zip * expansion_pack-0.04.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: LPC Tile Atlas2 Author: See Attribution.txt URL: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-tile-atlas2 License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: The zip contains a nifty attribution file so you can drop it and forget. File(s): * Atlas2.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Lots of Hyptosis' tiles organized! Author: Hyptosis Collaborators: Hyptosis URL: https://opengameart.org/content/lots-of-hyptosis-tiles-organized License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Hyptosis created everything, Zabin organized tiles, and the lamp fixture was created by Curt, Sharm, William.Thompsonj, & mold File(s): * trees.png * trees_plants.png * trees_plants_rocks.png * town.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Dragons Author: Blarumyrran URL: https://opengameart.org/content/dragons License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Attribution is not required; if you want, then attribute it to blarumyrran@gmail.com . File(s): * pisilohe10.png * pisilohe12.png * pisilohepunane3.png ---------------------------------------- Title: 5 Static Enemy Sprites Author: Beast URL: https://opengameart.org/content/5-static-enemy-sprites License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * spidey.png * volcanos.png * flying armor.png * Batman.png * SunMonster2.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Ice Golem rpg enemy sprite Author: Redshrike URL: https://opengameart.org/content/ice-golem-rpg-enemy-sprite License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org File(s): * icegolem.PNG * icegolemupdate.PNG ---------------------------------------- Title: Beast 2D pixelart Author: TheFunnySide URL: https://opengameart.org/content/beast-2d-pixelart License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Credit TheFunnySide and link back to this account. Also Credit Misha for the concept Art File(s): * Beast_V1000_by_TheFunnySide_Misha.png * Beast_V1001_by_TheFunnySide_Misha.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Underworld Load comprehensive top view RPG tileset 32x32 some 16x24 16x16 Author: poikilos Collaborators: Redshrike URL: https://opengameart.org/content/underworld-load-comprehensive-top-view-rpg-tileset-32x32-some-16x24-16x16 License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: underworld_load CC BY 3.0 by poikilos (based on Redshrike's overworld sprites: door, quad swirl, basis for wall & creatures Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org) File(s): * underworld_load.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: 2D RPG Enemy Set Author: Various URL: https://opengameart.org/content/2d-rpg-enemy-set License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Various people produced the sprites in this set. Please attribute to either "Hero of Allacrost - http://www.allacrost.org" or the individual artists listed below. - Brett Steele (Safir-Kreuz) - Joe Raucci (Sylon) - Vicki Beinhart (Namakoro) - Tyler Olsen (Roots) File(s): * allacrost_enemy_sprites.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Isometric Tileset: Gothic Archways Author: Coastmaker URL: https://opengameart.org/content/isometric-tileset-gothic-archways License(s): * CC-BY 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Created by Lukas Küstenmacher File(s): * GothicArchways.Images.zip * TileSet_GothicArchways.blend ---------------------------------------- Title: Old Frogatto Tiles pt2 Author: Jetrel URL: https://opengameart.org/content/old-frogatto-tiles-pt2 License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * old-frogatto-tiles2.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Treasure chests, 32x32 and 16x16 Author: Blarumyrran URL: https://opengameart.org/content/treasure-chests-32x32-and-16x16 License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * chests_32x32.png * chests_16x16_0.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Key Icons Author: BizmasterStudios URL: https://opengameart.org/content/key-icons License(s): * CC-BY 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ) File(s): * KeyIcons.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Minotaur Author: Manveru URL: https://opengameart.org/content/minotaur-0 License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Provide a link to this page and mention me (Manveru) as the author. Enjoy ^^ File(s): * minotaur.7z ---------------------------------------- Title: Dawn of the Gods Author: surt URL: https://opengameart.org/content/dawn-of-the-gods License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * dawn_of_the_gods.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Battle for Wesnoth - scenery buildings Author: Blarumyrran URL: https://opengameart.org/content/battle-for-wesnoth-scenery-buildings License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Attribution is not required; if you want, then attribute it to blarumyrran@gmail.com . File(s): * wesnoth_scenery_buildings.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Petrified hand Author: Q_x URL: https://opengameart.org/content/petrified-hand License(s): * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) File(s): * petrified.psd ---------------------------------------- Title: Pavement/Stone Tiles (40x40px) Author: Daniel Cook URL: https://opengameart.org/content/pavementstone-tiles-40x40px License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * pave.png ---------------------------------------- Title: RPG Tiles: Cobble stone paths & town objects Author: Zabin, Daneeklu, Jetrel, Hyptosis, Redshrike, Bertram Collaborators: daneeklu, Jetrel, Hyptosis, Redshrike, Bertram URL: https://opengameart.org/content/rpg-tiles-cobble-stone-paths-town-objects License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Credit goes to: Zabin, Daneeklu, Jetrel, Hyptosis, Redshrike, Bertram. A link back to this page "http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-tiles-cobble-stone-paths-town-objects to see who did what" File(s): * PathAndObjects.png * Artistinfo2.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Roguelike Dungeon/World Tiles Author: Joe Williamson URL: https://opengameart.org/content/roguelike-dungeonworld-tiles License(s): * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: If possible, please link to my twitter (@JoeCreates) when giving credit. Thanks! File(s): * rogueliketiles.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Dungeon Tileset Author: HorusKDI URL: https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-tileset-4 License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * dungeon.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Barricades: Stone and Wood Author: VWolfdog URL: https://opengameart.org/content/barricades-stone-and-wood License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * Barricade Stones.blend * Barricade Wooden.blend * barricade_stone.png * wooden_barricade.png ---------------------------------------- Title: JS Monster Set - Elementals III Author: JosephSeraph URL: https://opengameart.org/content/js-monster-set-elementals-iii License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) File(s): * elementals3.png ---------------------------------------- Title: [LPC] Dungeon Elements Author: Sharm Collaborators: Sharm URL: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-dungeon-elements License(s): * CC-BY 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: Please link this page (if reasonable), attribute Sharm as graphic artist, and me as contributor. credit.txt included for convenience. File(s): * dungeon.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Settlements Author: SCaydi URL: https://opengameart.org/content/settlements License(s): * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) File(s): * settlements_a.png * settlements_b.png ---------------------------------------- Title: Basic Hex Tile Set Plus - 16x16 Author: pistachio URL: https://opengameart.org/content/basic-hex-tile-set-plus-16x16 License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) File(s): * drjamgo_hexplus.png * drjamgo_hexplus_map.tmx_.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: 16x16 fantasy pixel art vehicles Author: DualR URL: https://opengameart.org/content/16x16-fantasy-pixel-art-vehicles License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Art by DualR. Commissioned by OpenGameArt.org (http://opengameart.org) File(s): * fullsheet.png * fullsheet.gif ---------------------------------------- Title: RPG Indoor Tileset: Expansion 1 Author: Redshrike Collaborators: Jetrel URL: https://opengameart.org/content/rpg-indoor-tileset-expansion-1 License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: Stephen Challener (Redshrike) and Jetrel, hosted by OpenGameArt.org File(s): * rpg indoor tileset expansion 1 trans.png ---------------------------------------- Title: [LPC] Adobe Town Set Author: bluecarrot16 URL: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-adobe-town-set License(s): * CC-BY 3.0 ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ) * GPL 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ) * GPL 2.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ) * OGA-BY 3.0 ( http://static.opengameart.org/OGA-BY-3.0.txt ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: "Adobe Town Set" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 Please link to page on opengameart. Based on "[LPC] Adobe Building Set" Artist: Sharm (Lanea Zimmerman) Contributor: William.Thompsonj (William Thompson) License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-adobe-building-set File(s): * adobe-2.png ---------------------------------------- Title: DawnLike - 16x16 Universal Rogue-like tileset v1.81 Author: DragonDePlatino URL: https://opengameart.org/content/dawnlike-16x16-universal-rogue-like-tileset-v181 License(s): * CC-BY 4.0 ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: If you use this tileset you must accredit DawnBringer. That mad color-bending genius came up with the palette this entire pack lives on. Without his palette, I would probably never would have even finished DawnHack. File(s): * DawnLike.zip ---------------------------------------- Title: Animated Creepy Thing Author: Charlie URL: https://opengameart.org/content/animated-creepy-thing License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS: What ever you like. File(s): * Creep.gif * Creep2.gif ---------------------------------------- Title: Shiny Noise Bricks Author: SpiderDave URL: https://opengameart.org/content/shiny-noise-bricks License(s): * CC0 ( http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode ) Copyright/Attribution Notice: No attribution required. If you want to credit me anyway, credit me as "SpiderDave". File(s): * ShinyNoiseBricks1.png * ShinyNoiseBricks2.png * ShinyNoiseBricksWindows.png * windowShadow.png * ShinyNoiseBricksSmall.png ----------------------------------------